Saturday, January 30, 2010

Green Smoothie

A while ago I was on a walk and a lady gave me a honey dew melon. I'm not really sure why, but yeah. She gave me a honey dew melon and told me to be blessed and that I had pretty dogs. Do you know how hard it is to walk three dogs and carry a honey dew melon? If she lived further away from me I would have have to tell her no lol. It sat on the counter and then in the fridge for a while while we decided if it was safe to eat. I don't really eat honey dew, so I decided to make a smoothie. I used some honey dew, a banana, cranapple juice, and frozen peaches. I just threw things in until it tasted right and had a good texture. After that it was a weird color, so I decided to throw a handful of spinach in. I also added some lemon juice. It was pretty tasty. I was going to have it for breakfast in the morning, but forgot and then I had to throw it away. I have frozen peaches and mango in the freezer so I may make another smoothie again. I also have some honey tangerines that are really...pulpy to eat by themselves. They'd probably be better in a smoothie. I wish I had a better way of making smoothies at night for in the morning. I think I tried freezing some of it in ice cube trays one time and I couldn't get them out in the morning.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Dinner, Dogs, and random musings

This is how the sky has looked lately. Taken from my back door.


I walked the dogs tonight after I got home from work. It was kind of nice. I'm all energized and happy now. Endorphines are neat. I put cream cheese chicken in the crock pot this morning and it is GOOD. I boiled some pasta and peas and couliflower to add to it. It's a yummy rib stickin kind of meal. I have left overs for lunch tomorrow too which is awesome. I love left overs. When I was younger I didn't, then I realized that left overs are yummy food, but you just don't have to cook them again. They also make awesome quick lunches for work. It was a revelation to me.


We have a shelf in our kitchen for dry goods and canned items. Here it is:
Gurdie figured out it's food and I've cought her a couple times with a bag of rice before I put it on the top shelf. The dogs have been doing pretty good. They enjoyed their walk. Gurdie got tired and was dragging. She went home early. Buster still keeps nippin when they're both around food. We've been following Ceasar's methods through I've learned a lot from that website. I read the whole entire "raising a puppy" where a lady documents raising a Boxer Ceasar's way. She has every week until the dog is over a year old. It's good stuff.

Well, I'm going to go fly( for a little bit before bed. I have work early tomorrow. Yay extra hours, boo early lol. Tomorrow we get to find out if our branch stays open or not. fun fun fun.

Friday, January 22, 2010

I love my slow cooker

For Christmas my mommy got me a slow cooker. I love it. I throw stuff in in the morning and turn it on low. When Ken gets home he turns it on to keep warm. Then I get home and we eat. So far I've made brown sugar chicken, cranberry porn loin, yogurt, orange chicken, and 36 clove garlic chicken in it. I absolutely flipped for everything except the orange chicken. Ken liked it though. I've never actually had "normal" orange chicken, so that might be why. I like 'the crock pot lady' and her recipes a lot. Her blog is awesome. You should go read it She has a book too which I will probably be buying soon.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Babies

These are our babies. We have two cats, one psycho kitten, two dogs and a puppy. Of course no post about animals is complete without pictures, so here they are:

Kitty Sandwhich-

The tabby with socks is Pudge, the other one is Colbi, and the black one is Zacko

Buster and Bear-

Bear is a australian shephard/aussie cow dog somethin or other mutt mix and Buster is the Basset puppy

This is Bear wearing a shirt and Gurdie-

Ken dressed him, not me for once lol.

Some more cute pictures

These are my baby brothers (my dad's dogs):

And my mommy's new kittens:

Monday, January 18, 2010

The House

This is my house. Well in 30 years or so it'll be mine mine. :-) It was built in 1935. It isn't in bad shape at all. I know the previous owner personally. So far my boyfriend and I are still just unpacking and organizing. Today I painted the front door. It's purple...really purple. It needs a peep hole and a wreath or something. When I paid my water bill they told me I need a permit for pretty much everything except paint and carpet, so I kind of ran with that lol. Here are the "before" pictures. Please excuse the mess and boxes. The mess isn't anything unusual though lol. This is half the kitchen and one angle of the bedroom-

The carpet is burgundy and brand new. The walls are white. There aren't any bedroom doors up yet. The kitchen is tiny. And I love it. It's mine. :-)


Hi! I started this blog because I like to ramble and take pictures, blogging was the natural next step. I just bought a house built in the 1930s, and I wanted a place to document the changes I make to it. I also plan on posting recipes I try and some random crafty goodness. And of course animal pictures will be a regular feature. I have an exercise blog too, but I wanted that to just be about exercising. This is a place for my random ramblings and things I think are neat. Enjoy!
I love the macro setting on my camera. :-)