Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Poor Neglected Blog

I've been neglecting my blog. I just haven't really felt like blogging. Working full time was a bit of an adjustment, but I'm really happy with it. I get off before 6:00 some nights. I'll also get my first full time paycheck this Friday, which is very nice. Ken got a dollar raise last week. He's really enjoying straightening stainless steal.

So what have I been up to lately?

The weekend before last Ken and I went to a car show. There really weren't that many cars that wowed us. This is the car we voted for because it had the same level of attention to detail all the way around. It wasn't perfect either but it was really really good. The paint job looked neat too, it had the color changing yellow to green going on.
I had to take a picture of this one for my mom and little brother. If it's too small to read it's a Dallas Cowboys car. I'm not really sure why it was at a classic car show, but there ya go:

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